Web Services Development Project

A place where people with an interest in the fitness industry can share details about their favourite workouts amongst other users of the forum.

This is a Node.js based restful API which included significant advanced data persistence. It makes use of messaging i.e. when a user posts their favourite workout, a message is published to Pub Nub. Users can add a comment on another user’s workout (perhaps providing them feedback, increasing the social element of this project). The data is handled through MongoDB and Mongoose (This is an object modelling tool used to work in an asynchronous environment).
 Unit testing of the API is achieved using Mocha, Should and SuperTest, with a report automatically generated by Mochawesome after each test has concluded. The combination of custom validation and unit testing increases the validity of posts.
Security/Authentication: 2 users are added to the forum when the server starts up, upon registering they are given a JSON web token using JWT and the authentication middleware Passport.js. This token can then be used to add, delete, update or view workout information. Without the token, users will simply be given a 403 message! The API was continually tested within the API development environment, Postman.
This project has also been deployed to Heroku and the GitHub repository can be seen below.

Here is a link to the GitHub repo
Grade: 78%
